School Administration

Owner: The System, Inc., dba Paul Mitchell The School Springfield

Director: Greg Kellogg

Operations Leader: Greg Kellogg 

Admission’s Leader: Sarah Bruce

Esthetics Education Leader: Suzanne Hyde 

Cosmetology/Barbering Education Leader: Jennifer Farley

Future Professional Advisor: Mendi Johnson

Financial Aid Leader: Amanda Osterloh

Accounting Leader: Thesha Hancock

Learning Leaders

School Faculty: 

Jennifer Farley
Learning Leader; Full Time
Licensed Cosmetology, Manicuring, Advanced Manicuring,  and Barber Instructor; Cosmetology/Barber Instructor License No. 2017014717

Mendi Johnson
Learning Leader; Full Time
Licensed Cosmetology Instructor; 
Cosmetology Instructor License No. 2009002815

Suzanne Hyde
Education Leader; Full Time
Licensed Cosmetology Instructor; 
Cosmetology Instructor License No. 2006026867

Raeshel Fent
Learning Leader; Part Time
Licensed Cosmetology, Manicuring, and Advanced Manicuring; 
Cosmetology Instructor License No. 2019038600

Whitney Mulholland
Learning Leader; Full Time
Licensed Cosmetology Instructor; 
Cosmetology Instructor License No. 2014032892 

Ashley Olexyn
Learning Leader; Full Time
Licensed Cosmetology, Manicuring, Advanced Manicuring,  and Barber Instructor; Cosmetology/Barber Instructor License No. 2018033710

Michael Peterson
Learning Leader; Full Time
Licensed Barber Instructor, 
Barber Instructor License No. 2021030194

Alicia Moore
Learning Leader; Part Time
Licensed Esthetics: License No. 2019047742

Eleanor Goodridge
Learning Leader; Part Time
Licensed Esthetics Instructor; 
Esthetics Instructor License No. 2022012332

Jennifer Kennedy
Learning Leader; Full Time
Licensed Cosmetology, Manicuring, Advanced Manicuring Instructor; 
Cosmetology Instructor License No. 2022030667

Keli Cornell
Learning Leader; Part Time
Licensed Cosmetology Instructor; 
Cosmetology Instructor License No. 2022035712

Jose Serrano
Learning Leader; Part Time
Licensed Esthetics Instructor; 
Esthetics Instructor License No. 2022029344

Michelle Foster
Learning Leader; Part Time
Licensed Esthetics Instructor; 
Esthetics Instructor License No. 2022029345

The school enrolls student into the instructor training program. The instructor training student provide supervised training and instruction to students enrolled in the cosmetology, barbering, esthetics, advanced manicuring and manicuring  programs.